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Sunday services:

 9:30 AM Prayer Service

10:30 AM Morning Worship


What should I Expect?

1. Our team of volunteers are ready to serve you however they can. We dress comfortable at Discovery. 


2. Help yourself to coffee and snacks available in the foyer for everyone. 


3. The service begins with worship music that lasts for about 20 minutes. There will be people worshiping as they feel comfortable; some are seated while some are standing and lifting their hands. Children of all ages worship with us.


4. After the music, Children ages 0 to 12 break out to Children's Church. Just follow the long line of kids to the back!


5. Next, Pastor Michael Bailey will deliver a message from the scriptures reminding us of the grace of Jesus Christ.


6. The service will end with prayer, chance to give an offering and a song of worship. Don't rush off! We want to meet you.  Fill out a Connect Card and give us a chance to get to know you. 

Let Us Know You are Coming!

Thanks for submitting!

Contact us

4241 MS-336

Pontotoc, MS 38863

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